A letter from nursing school student

Dear Mrs Kaori and WSO directors

Shalom to you,I am Merceline Ongeyi student nurse from St.Camillus school of Nursing-Tabaka and

I would like to take this opportunity to first thank you for the help you gave me during my stay in college

I am so grateful and may God bless you people to continue supporting the needy students.

Secondly I would wish to inform you that I have completed my career course and I did my Nursing council exams and now waiting for the results which will be released soon.

Thank you once again and be blessed

Merceline Ongeyi M.O



A letter of passing the exam

Dear Mrs Kaori and WSO directors,

Good evening to you, I am Merceline Ongeyi former student nurse from St.Camillus school of Nursing-Tabaka. I would wish to take this opportunity to inform you that my Nursing council exams results were released yesterday 11/5/2021 and I passed, I am now a qualified nurse.

Thank you so much once again for the support, I am grateful and my God bless you.

Merceline Ongeyi M.O